
I have had the distinct honor of calling Dr. Jessica both a friend and colleague for over ten years.  I trust her deeply with my friends, patients, and myself.  I have never known a more talented psychologist or visionary coach.  Her deep insight, sensitivity, empathy, clarity, dedication, and ferocity are unparalleled.  This world is truly a better place because of her work.

Dr. Jared Andersen, DACM, L.Ac., C.SMA

Founder, Summit Sports Acupuncture

Jessica has been an invaluable asset for our team to help guide my business from the founder/owner stage towards a resilient team with clearly defined roles, job descriptions, and a clear pathway towards growth and success all the while holding everyone in a way that feels steady and caring

Don Tipping

Founder, Siskiyou Seeds

We have achieved so much so fast that I don’t know if we would organizationally be where we are today without the help of Jessica. Anyone who is seeking help in fast-paced, high-intensity business, with a need for HR, individual employees, or team issues, I highly recommend Fierce Grace

Jacque Khalil

COO, That One Video Gamer

Jessica is a magnificent world-bridging guide that is shepherding the next level of the game needed to be played for heart-centered leaders & organizations to thrive in this world. I am not surprised yet I tend to be frequently astonished by how easily Jessica can guide my colleagues or me to truly listen to and tap into the intuitive brilliance of our inner truth. I feel incredibly supported in Jessica’s hands and it is a rare blessing to be able to receive full circle 360 integrated leadership guidance and nourishment. Most other coaches are missing pieces of perspective, yet Jessica weaves them all together. She is an invaluable asset to any individual, leader, team or company.
Anthony Illiano

Co-Founder, Buzzworthy.com

I’ve been working with Dr. Shinners for the past 7 years.  She has been invaluable to my personal and professional growth.  More specifically, she helped me through the process of doubling the size of my company, selling it to a private equity company, launching a new edtech start-up, and doing all of that while managing a strong marriage with my wife and raising three young boys.  I expect to speak with Jessica once a week for the rest of my life 😉

Chris Stakich

CEO & Co-Founder, Health Academy

I fortuitously found my way to Jessica over half a decade ago, and she has been a steady, true, trustworthy confidant since our first encounter. Each time we meet I find myself overflowing with nuggets of insight and wisdom that always integrate into my day-to-day life. What I appreciate most about Jessica is her commitment to honesty – she has an uncanny ability to encourage you to see not only the hard truths within yourself, but of those you choose to surround yourself with. The truth can be challenging, and instead of shying away from those challenges, she kindly pushes you to face those often amorphous “things” holding you back. She isn’t going to hand you a solution, but will allow you to work through anything that bubbles to the surface without fear or judgment. Thank you Jessica for being a beacon of truth and for the reminder that I always have a CHOICE.

Mandie Shaner

Founder, Zen Three

I’ve been fortunate enough to work with Jessica in different capacities over the past several years. Her mindfulness, insight, and candor are second to none! She’s an all-around bad-ass deeply dedicated to her craft and her client’s future.

Adam John Brummond

Co-Founder, Return