
Forging A New Outpost

Forging A New Outpost

Hello friends and loved ones, it’s been a long while since you’ve received an update from us, as we’ve been deep in the throes of a major move across state lines to Southern Oregon. Leaving our dear Emerald Village community to forge a forest outpost has been nothing...

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Full Stop.

Full Stop.

Lessons learned on taking breaks and listening deeply. These words are cringe worthy for most entrepreneurs. It’s mostly an act that is put upon a leader, not one of choice and one that we try to avoid. Here’s a story of one such moment in my life when I got my...

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Community- the antidote to COVID-19

Community- the antidote to COVID-19

It definitely wasn’t my preference to delay my doctoral research. I wanted to be complete with the 4-year journey and get on with life. The sun, moon, stars and a global pandemic had something else in mind for me. I was geared up to begin conducting a 10-week course designed to advance the ways that leaders are trained and developed. After 20 years of observation in my own personal and professional life, combined with the sense of increasing global leadership incompetency, I wondered if something else could be done to make them (and all of us) better.

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Less Woo, More Way

Less Woo, More Way

Call it age, motherhood or enough spiritual bitch slaps in between, but I perceive that we are plagued by a pernicious virus. We unknowingly swallow this poison without question- it’s tasteless, odorless scum burrows its way into our psyches and takes over our bloodstream. It’s a living, highly intelligent form that preys upon our precious life force until its parasitical ways completely take over. It looks like you (but lacks radiance), walks like you (but with less swagger) and even talks like you (but with less heart).

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Getting Selfish- Giving to Receive

Getting Selfish- Giving to Receive

In the bustle of the holiday season, the reason behind WHY we give can get murky. Obligation often mingles with “tradition” to create a sticky mess of debt, stress and burden. In my two decades of experience as a mental health professional, this time of year was...

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Fire Bitch or Water Woman

Fire Bitch or Water Woman

Which is more powerful, the one who busts in wielding a flame, ready to torch those who stand in her way...or the one who is watery- yielding, adaptive and nurturing? Both. Neither. Depends. However, it begs the question about which superpower we lead with as women...

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